Make your own Art Club T-shirt! October 21st during activity period and after school

Watch this bleach dyeing tutorial video

If you are interested in creating your own art club t-shirt; please attend the October 21st Activity Period Meeting to cut out your stencil and come back after school to bleach dye your shirt.  Stencils, scissors, bleach and vinegar will be provided.

Things to bring:

  • Make sure you purchase or bring a 100% cotton color t-shirt to use your stencil on.  
  • Label t-shirt with your name using sharpie-near the tag on the inside of your shirt.
  • Rubber gloves and a paper bag or piece of cardboard to prevent bleach from transferring to the back of your shirt or getting on your skin.
  • Wear old clothes for bleaching as it may transfer to your clothing during the process.
  • A plastic bag to take your t-shirt home in; wash immediately when you return home (do not mix with other clothing as the bleach will transfer).
  • Bring design ideas reflecting Art Club activities and be ready to cut out completely during activity period.
The process:
  • After school you will be divided into groups of four.
  • Each group will share a spray bottle of bleach, a stencil and a bucket of vinegar solution to stop the processing.
  • After processing in the vinegar is complete in about 30-40 minutes, squeeze out the water and take home in your plastic bag-wash immediately.  Enjoy!
  • Wear your masterpiece to the next Art Club meeting on November 11th for a group picture.
  • Also Group picture day for yearbook for our club is on October 27th-wear it then too:)


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