
Showing posts from 2015

Art Club bleach dyed t shirts


Art Club Picture schedule

See Mrs. Hyde for a pass for Art Club group pictures.  Feel free to wear past Art Club t-shirts if you have them.  See you tomorrow:)

2015 Art Club-Spartan Spooktacular

We are ready for trick or treaters! Face painting, color sheets,bracelets, tattoos, mask making and lots of candy! 2015 Art Club Members Face painting Face painting Tattoos Mask making  Beaded bracelets  Hand painting

Fundraiser Ideas

Clear here to share your ideas:

Spartan Spooktacular Sign up

All students interested participating in the Spartan Spooktacular should sign up for an activity that elementary age children would enjoy. If you sign up it is your responsibility to be on time and ready to contribute to this community event.  Expectations for Spooktacular:  *everyone will arrive at 1 pm dressed in an appropriate Halloween costume *decorate the room and set up your activity *Art Club group picture *at the end of the event:everyone stays to return everything as it was when we arrived  Please sign up:  

Make your own Art Club T-shirt! October 21st during activity period and after school

Watch this bleach dyeing tutorial video If you are interested in creating your own art club t-shirt; please attend the October 21st Activity Period Meeting to cut out your stencil and come back after school to bleach dye your shirt.  Stencils, scissors, bleach and vinegar will be provided. Things to bring: Make sure you purchase or bring a 100% cotton color t-shirt to use your stencil on.   Label t-shirt with your name using sharpie-near the tag on the inside of your shirt. Rubber gloves and a paper bag or piece of cardboard to prevent bleach from transferring to the back of your shirt or getting on your skin. Wear old clothes for bleaching as it may transfer to your clothing during the process. A plastic bag to take your t-shirt home in; wash immediately when you return home (do not mix with other clothing as the bleach will transfer). Bring design ideas reflecting Art Club activities and be ready to cut out completely during activity period. The process: After scho

Creepy Crawlies Event Volunteers Needed at the Heckrodt Wetland Reserve

Next week the ONHS Art students will be carving pumpkins for the Heckrodt Wetland Reserve's Creepy Crawlies Event . The volunteer coordinator is looking for people interested in running activities for this event. Some require dressing up; others do not. You choose! If you are interested-please fill out the haunted trail forms. Haunted Trail Permission form Event Poster

1st Meeting

Thank you to the 23 interested Art Club members who got involved during Activity Period yesterday! It was great to see all of you get involved. I have placed our Art Club Calendar and Activity sign up along the right side of our Art Club Blog. Please check in regularly for new Art Activity opportunities. Have a great rest of your Homecoming week!

2015-2016 Art Club Meeting Calendar and sign in

Welcome Back SpArtans! Art Club will be meeting during every Activity Period in room 129 (10 meetings total). You can join these meetings at anytime as long as you have time in your schedule to be an active Art Club member. Activities for this school year have been entered on this calendar; attendance will be recorded at each meeting on this calendar.  Please include your first and last name and be dependable if you commit to an activity or event. Looking forward to returning and meeting new Art Club members! 2015-2016 Art Club Calendar

Art Club Partners with Mercy Medical Center to decorate memory boxes for grieving parents who have lost a child shortly after birth


Hair Donation to honor past Art Club Member Rachel Spanbauer

During the past two years; Rachel Spanbauer has been a very active Art Club member.  She participated in painting murals, raised awareness and funding for the Ronald McDonald House, raised awareness and funding to support our local warming shelter for Oshkosh Homeless citizens by participating in the warmth of the community canvas painting project.  She has been an inspiration to us all with her wonderful caring spirit and kindness; she shared her talents to make a difference in her world.  My daughter Sienna and I wanted to help her fellow cancer patients by donating 10 inches of our hair in her honor and memory last Saturday.  We hope it will make a difference in a young girls life by providing comfort and support during their cancer fight.   We donated to the:  Pantene Beautiful Lengths Program    Join us with contributing in her honor-we will post your photo on this page:)

Art Club shirts for the 2014-2015 school year!


2nd Semester Art Club Meetings

Welcome to second semester Art Club students!   We have new and exciting opportunities coming up on our first Art Club meeting this Tuesday, January 27th at 8:00 am. Mrs. Dorn from the Oshkosh Aurora Medical Center will be sharing a new project that will benefit new Mothers that have lost a child.  She will be bringing memory boxes, sample images as well as paint and brushes.  After she presents; I would like to take a group art club photo with all of you in your new Art Club shirts:) We will continue our Art Club meetings every Tuesday at 8:00 am to work on these projects in room 129. I hope to see you there and have a wonderful 2nd semester!

Save the Date! 1-17-15
