
Showing posts from March, 2017

Art in the Community Club is "NEW"!

Come and join a new club that combines nature, art and volunteerism.  Art in the Community Club has replaced our past Art Club.  If you are interested in this new club; meet in room 127 during activity period. Be ready to sign up for volunteer hours at Glen Valley Farm.  These hours will be available during our meetings only or see Mrs. Hyde for more info. Also... We need to market this new club through TV9 and in the hallways...see Mrs. Hyde if you are interested in creating a recruiting video showcasing our new club!

Door Painting underway on a sunny Saturday!

If you would like to participate; we will be here until noon!  Enter door #9 and go to room #129.  You can also paint doors during the school day; see Mrs. Hyde for quotes and painting supplies:)

Door painting has been approved! Saturday March 4th from 8am-noon

Our door painting project has just been approved! Please enter door number 9 and meet in room 129 to get your painting instructions by 8am so that we are finished by noon. I talked with our head custodian and he said painting is fine as long as it is on the side panels of the doors and not on the functioning part of the door.  The paintings could interfere a persons ability to see and could cause accidents.  (Didn't think about that).  There is still plenty of room to paint-hopefully everyone is ready to go for this project!  (7 doors per person) See you Saturday, Mrs. Hyde