
Showing posts from 2014

Making clay beads for Art Club fundraiser


New Art Club T-Shirts to arrive before Christmas Break

An announcement will be made once they arrive!

First Art Club Meeting!


Art room stool painting


Warmth of the Community Canvas Project


2014 Ceramic Community Project-"Pottery for Patients"


Summer Project Interest Survey: please complete by June 13th 2014

Click here to take survey-Thank you!

Warmth of the Community Canvas Project

20 ONHS students participated in the "Warmth of the Community" canvas project. Community members will have an opportunity to view all canvases donated by artists for this project on Saturday June 7th at Kitz and Pfeil during the Gallery Walk.   The canvases will be delivered to donors at random and will help the warming shelter raise $25 per canvas.

First canvas complete for the Warming Shelter

First canvas complete for the warming shelter-waiting on the remaining 19 by the end of March!

Warmth of Community Art Project

Art Club will be participating in the Warmth of Community Art Project for Day by Day Warming Shelter 6x6 inch canvases will be distributed during the Monday Art Club meeting at 8:00 am and instructions:) See you there!