
Showing posts from 2013

Empty Bowls Event

Contributing Artists Oshkosh North bowls on display A bowl was selected from Oshkosh North:) Oshkosh North Band: The R-ING also performed during the event! Thank you for contributing to this community event!

Spartan Spooktacular

Art Club! Cookie Decorating Face painting Ghost suckers

Empty Bowls are on their way for display during tonight's Oshkosh Gallery Walk at Bergman's Jewelers

Empty Bowls will be sold during the Empty Bowls event at Beckett's on Sunday November 10th, 4-7pm. This event will raise money and awareness to fight hunger in Oshkosh.  Fifteen Art Club/Art Students made 33 dinnerware safe bowls to help support this community event.  Hope to see you there! Click here to see our artists at work!

Empty Bowls: 2013

Click here to see students in action with this community project

Art T-Shirts to arrive on October 11th!


Empty Bowls Event: Making Bowls

12 Art Club and Art Students created 32 bowls yesterday after school to donate to the Empty Bowls events to be held at Beckett's in November to raise awareness and funds for ending hunger in Oshkosh.  Thank you so much for all of your hard work!

Art Department T-shirts are available!

Art Club is selling Art t-shirts $14 each See Mrs. Hyde in the Art Office if interested (room 127/129).   T-shirts will be Blue, 100% cotton Shirts will read: Oshkosh North High, Art Department, 2013-2014. Orders will be accepted until September 20 th T-shirt delivery on October 18 th ! (Just in time for Group Picture Day and Art Field Trips!)

Empty Bowls Event

The North Art Department will be participating in the Oshkosh Empty Bowls event to be held at Beckett’s on Sunday November 10th all proceeds will benefit Oshkosh local food pantries.  (View a segment from this clip from an Empty Bowls Event-(14:54-15:55) ).  We are looking for 30 students to help make clay bowls on September 18th starting at 4pm.  We will also need 30 students to help glaze these bowls on October 16th starting at 4pm.  We hope to donate a minimum of 30 bowls that will be featured during the November Gallery Walk.  Please see Mrs. Hyde in the Art department if you are interested.

First Art Club Meeting

The First Art Club Meeting will be held in room 129 at 8:00-8:15am on Thursday September 12th. Be ready to sign up for activities for Homecoming activities, Spartan Spooktacular, Empty Bowls, Gallery Walk, Stool Painting.

Art Club Calendar

Please click on our Art Club Calendar for events/activities

Bowling Rescheduled for November with new Art Club Members

Hi Art Club Members, We will plan a bowling party in November with our new Art Club Members.  It is too difficult to coordinate an event during the last week of school with finals and graduation.  We will refocus in the Fall.  Email me if you have any questions, Mrs. Hyde

Mural Painting Over Break Cancelled!

Looks like we will not be able to work on our mural like we had planned... "we are doing are annual (summer cleaning) in this area over spring break. Monday from 8 to 1 would be the only day to be upstairs." ...we will take a look at our schedules on Thursday to pick a new day after break with the same 8am-noon time slot, possibly a weekend. Don't forget to come to next Thursdays meeting-field trip forms to Jurustic Park/Stevens Point Sculpture Park will be distributed!

Field Trip to Jurustic Park and Stevens Point Sculpture Park

Our field trip to Jurustic Park and Stevens Point Sculpture Park is coming up on Friday April 19th from 8am-4pm. Field trip cost is $30 and forms will be made available on Thursday March 28th.

Reminder: Bake Sale Tomorrow! 3/11/13

Hi Art Club Members: REMINDER: Bake Sale tomorrow morning, please bring baked items individually wrapped to sell for 50 cents each by 7:10 each morning this week. Thank you, Mrs. Hyde

Upcoming Art Club Events

Thursday, January 31st the Art Institute College Visit, hours 1-5 in LRD, see Mrs. Hyde if you're interested. Monday, February 11th, Club Night ONHS Cafeteria-sign up during Thursday's Art Club meeting at 7:10. Friday, March 29th, Finalize Media Center Mural, 8am-noon-sign up if you're interested. Bring new ideas to next Art Club meeting-projects, events, fundraisers, trips...

Art T-shirts

Art T-shirts are available for second semester Art Club members.  See Mrs. Hyde if you are interested.

Art Club Media Center Mural
