
Showing posts from 2012

Media Center Mural Painting over holiday break

On Thursday December 27th, Art Club students will be mural painting in the media center from 8:00am-noon.   Paint and snacks will be provided.  Art Club member Brynna L. designed the mural which includes quotes and images from Spiderman, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Twighlight and Lord of the Rings. Wear old clothes that you don't mind getting stained with acrylic paint.

Oshkosh North High Art Club Fall Activities, 2012

 Milwaukee Art Museum, November 16, 2012 Spartan Spooklacular, October 28, 2012 Balloon Decorating Facepainting Tatoos Halloween Mural

Get involved this year and join art club, invite your friends!

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Welcome to the Oshkosh North High School Art Club Blog.  Regular updates will be posted for field trips, art events and fundraisers...stay tuned!